How do I request an estimate?

Start the conversation by sending us an email with information related to your project, such as: creative vision, budget limitations, scheduling needs, substrate, etc.

Each project is as unique as the client and each estimate reflects decades of experience in determining the best approach for your creative goals.

Do you make custom designs for murals and signs?

Absolutely! Our lead artist’s background and training is in Fine Art and Design.

I already have a design - Can I hire you to paint it?

Yes, we have a strong reputation among area graphic design firms, sign companies, and exhibit designers in our ability to re-create logos and other branded material in painted finishes on a variety of surfaces. We are committed to excellence in all we do, especially when it comes to telling your company’s story with consistency, vibrancy, and meticulous attention to detail.

That said, we do not reproduce unauthorized, copyrighted material or replicate other artist’s work. We are happy to use references you may provide to develop original designs in line with your visual needs. 

Will you provide a sample of the finish? 

Typically, samples are included in the project estimate. We also create individual, custom samples for a fee. Not all projects require a physical sample. For example, a digital color palette may suffice for an artistic mural. Whereas, we recommend a physical sample for a custom, specialty finish.

Do you charge for an estimate?

No. Initial estimates are provided free of charge. Please note that estimates are subject to change as the design and scope are further refined through our collaborative process. We are committed to providing an accurate estimate from the outset, based on the information provided by the client.

Do you charge for consultations?

Yes. Design and Color Consultations are charged at an hourly rate if outside the scope of a previously estimated project. Contact us for our Consultation rates.

What type of paint do you use?

We work closely with a variety of paint manufacturers and distributors to match the proper material to the project. Primarily, we use high quality, low odor, water-based products. Our lead artist has years of experience working closely with industrial coating manufacturers in developing her own line of high-performance paints and has a strong understanding of the chemical composition and process of a variety of architectural coatings. As part of our project proposal, we will recommend the optimum product for each individual application. Click here for a list of products we use.

Will it last? Is it durable?

Yes. We prepare and apply all of our finishes according to manufacturer instructions and in compliance with their product warranties. We also will recommend products to best align with the needs of the performance of your project. For example, we use high-quality, professional grade exterior paints for murals exposed to the elements (UV-blocking, fade-resistant, flexible, etc). We also offer guidance on cleaning and caring for your painted finishes.

What about vandalism?

To date, we have never had any issues with vandalism to any of our public murals or painted signs. We have created murals in a variety of settings from elementary to high schools, colleges, public housing, restaurants, breweries, and apartment complexes and have not had any intentional damage to our artwork. There is an option to apply an anti-graffiti coating, if you still have concerns and would like the additional protection.

How do I care for my finished project?

A gentle wipe down with a mild, diluted soap and water is generally all you need! Please see our Care Guide for more detailed information. 

Do you offer a warranty?

Because we follow the manufacturer’s specifications, the products we use are all under manufacturer’s warranties. We do not offer an official warranty for our labor, as there are too many variables in any given project which we cannot control. To date, we have not had any call backs or issues with our finishes. Most of our projects include a contingency for unexpected touch-ups due to wear and tear or damage from other subcontractors (particularly on active construction sites!). We offer wear-and-tear repair and touch-ups at a discounted hourly rate for our prior clients. 

Are you insured?

Yes. Definitely. We have never had to file a claim, but we are fully insured.

Do you charge by the hour or the project?

The short answer is: It depends. Typically, we charge by the project. Sometimes, when the scope is more fluid, we charge an hourly rate.